Blunt Talks on June 18th, 2019 at Exchange LA in Los Angeles, California was our biggest event yet! This was yet another insightful series of cannabis industry leaders speaking from their souls about lessons learned on their journeys navigating the cannabis space.
We heard from the amazing Jackee Stang, Mario “Sherbinski” Guzman, Bill Levers & yours truly, Nichole West!
Blunt Talks is a series of engaging speeches & networking events that are focused on cultivating professional relationships that bridge the gap between cannabis industry leaders and mainstream businesses while showcasing some of the most amazing brands in the business.
@iamjackeestang @ sherbinski415 @beardbros_pharms @inclusivecanna @litclublife @highdemanddevelopment @auraiplaw @canninsure @cotc_gardens @cannabiscateredevents @mollywaterco @redphigroup @sambaba @applejaxaj @tristate_angeleno @thealicemoon @harvest_honey @_losifer_ @theincredibleedible_ed